Friday, January 8, 2021

Days 7 & 8: Small Victories

I felt crummy yesterday, and just getting through the basics of my day was about all I had energy for. 

Today went (mostly) much better, and I'm thankful for the little things that made it an improvement over Thursday.

My back: I managed to pull it reaching for something while twisting (my guaranteed pain combo--I should know better). I luckily had a very simple dinner planned (see below) so I could spend the evening resting with heat and ice. It was doing better by bedtime, and when I woke I felt fine. I was even able to run today with no problems.

Dinner: Do you sous (vide)?  It sounds so fancy, but it's really just a different way to slow cook. It gives you a great way to cook cheap, lean cuts of meat that dry out easily. It also keeps the flavors from cooking out. Sous vide some carrots. They will be the most intense carrots you've ever eaten. I marinated a pork loin, popped the bag in the water bath, used my phone to turn it on (I'm not usually a big proponent of the Internet of Things but this one is so handy. Find a recipe and press cook!), and put my feet up for a while. I already had some mashed potatoes leftover from an earlier dinner, plus easy peas(y). The leftover meat made a badass Cubano for lunch, too.

Work: I spent the morning banging my head against the wall. I kept getting an error in my code. I went line by line through it and never found a typo or an extra comma. I had to re-type a section, and it worked fine. I have no clue what happened, but at least it worked.

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Days 7 & 8: Small Victories

I felt crummy yesterday, and just getting through the basics of my day was about all I had energy for.  Today went (mostly) much better, and...